I was trying to show our Social Studies teacher what is possible in VW teaching. So I brought the kids in Edo town and gave them some challanges.  We had to TP each other for several times during the class because the city was huge.

Who says you cannot be emotional teaching in SL? I had a class about different art movements and artists in a French chateau in one of NC WeBIEE's sims. I love this place so much and visited often but the developer of the island, my dear friend Aedann, said that this place was going to be demolished and replaced by a new building. :( I had fun teaching that night but I felt very sad. That would be my last chance to see the place. I would never be able to come and enjoy the paintings there anymore. The next morning, some of my students IMed me "Ms.Ines, the building is gone", "Are we lost? I cannot see the building we visited last night." Strange enough, I felt a great loss in my heart. (Aedann, thank you for giving my class a chance to enjoy the building for the last time. You waited for us patiently, I could never thank you enough)
Semasa hidupnya, Van Gogh pernah berada 1 tahun di kota Arles, Perancis untuk berkarya. Di SL, ada satu sim yang khusus didedikasikan untuk menghidupkan karya-karya Van Gogh di kota ini. Kita menunjungi 'The Yellow House' di mana Van Gogh tinggal saat di Arles. Kita bahkan sempat bermain-main di kamar Van Gogh 'The Bedroom'. Anak-anak melakukan penjelajahan individu di sim tersebut. Bergantian, mereka 'berteriak' melalui IM ke saya "I have found The Langlois Bridge', "I am at the Wheatfield.", " I am sure this is the Pink Peach Tree that Van Gogh drew". Di saat asyik bereksplorasi, kita sempat bertemu dengan Mudpuddle, creator of the sim, di   Fishing Boats on the Beach at Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer. Benar-benar pengalaman yang tidak terlupakan. Di mana lagi kita bisa terjun masuk ke dalam lukisan selain di dunia virtual? (Thank you for your beautiful sim Mudpuddle) 

Waktu kelas kami belajar tentang budaya China,  kami tidak tahan untuk tidak tertawa terbahak-bahak gara-gara thai chi ball. Bayangkan...kita semua melakukan gerakan tai chi bersama-sama. Setelah puas melakukan gerakan thai chi, anak-anak belajar mengenai penanggalan Cina. Yes, I made the chinese zodiac myself. Cool, huh?
Awalnya berniat menyusuri tembok raksasa Cina tetapi..OMG..meskipun replikanya tidak sepanjang 6000 km tetap saja membuat ujung jari pegal. Akhirnya kita putuskan untuk terbang saja. LOL Wir lieben Fliegen . We can REZ objects in this sim, it's very helpful for my teaching since there are not many notecards available for my students there.